Damon Braces

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Dr. McElhinney and Dr. Breha are exclusive providers of Damon braces. The Damon System is not just about revolutionary braces and wires; it’s a whole new way of treating patients!

Traditional braces use a tie system that binds the bracket to the teeth. Damon braces use a slide mechanism to hold the wire into the braces, reducing the amount of pressure exerted on the teeth and allowing the teeth to move more freely, quickly, and comfortably. That means no tightening, far less discomfort and better hygiene.

What are Damon Braces?

The Damon system does not use bands (metal rings around the teeth), expanders or headgear. Excellent results can be achieved WITHOUT THE USE OF EXPANDERS, HEADGEAR AND REMOVAL OF TEETH. These factors add up to shorter treatment times with less discomfort, fewer visits and simplified procedures for our patients.

To learn more about the Damon Braces for you or your children, contact our office today to schedule your complimentary evaluation.